
Function Textdisplay unit, fault annunciator system with bus connection
Special features busfahig
Width 96 mm
Type EH 5996
Text display for DOLD fault annunciator system INFOMASTER B with base module RP 5994 To display up to 88 fault messages with 80, 40 or 20 characters each Operating mode adjustable on base module RP 5994 for new, first or common alarm Reset buttons for individual alarm signal, audible alarm and common alarm on front side RS 485 bus connection, as option with galvanic separation Alarms and resets can be transmitted by SMS via GSM module RP 5810 SMS communication is possible with up to 16 receivers Configuration of the text display via USB-Stick (acceccories OA 5996 Article-No. 0065659), therefore no laptop on site is necessary Real time clock Operating language for menus and failure text in English, German and French Up to 3 variable parameters in one message text 2 password levels for device configuration''