
Function Light curtain controller
Cat. / PL according to EN ISO 13849-1 4/e
SIL CL according to IEC/EN 62061 3
1- / 2-channel 2
Output contacts max. 3 s, 2 s 1 o
Nominal voltage DC +
Thermal current Ith max. 5 A
Removable terminals +
Width 45 mm
Type BH 5902/01MF2
According to- Performance Level (PL) e and category 4 to EN ISO 13849-1: 2008- SIL Claimed Level (SIL CL) 3 to IEC/EN 62061- Safety Integrity Level (SIL 3) to IEC/EN 61508- Category 4 to EN 954-1 To connect max.:- 3 light curtains 2-channel or- 2 light curtains 2-channel and 2 muting sensors 1-channel or- 1 light curtain 2-channel and 4 muting sensors 1-channel or- 2 light curtains 2-channel and key switch for stepping operation- additionally: Start button and machine contact with line fault detection Broken wire detection on light curtain input Outputs:- 3 NO or 2 NO and 1 NC- 2 Semiconductor outputs, protected against short circuit and overload Multifunction device, different functions selectable by rotationalswitches:- protective operation e.g. light curtains- protective operation with muting, e.g. conveyors* signal sequence of muting sensors can be selected* override function via start button- Stepping operation e.g. on presses* optionally with key switch* 1, 2 or 3 steps possible* setting of number of step possible via selector switch Suitable to connect light curtains of type 4 or selftesting light curtainstype 2 according to IEC/EN 61 496-1, crossfault monitoring in the lightcurtain With under- and overvoltage detection and indication Reaction time: max. 30 ms LED indication for RUN and Channel 1,2 Width 45 mm''